We are looking for a frontend developer to strengthen our UI team behind ahrefs.com, with ReasonReact as the base of the technology stack. You will be closely working with our designers and QA to build an ergonomic user interface.
If your preference is leaning towards functional languages on the server side, you may want to consider our OCaml position instead.
We offer:
Ahrefs does not engage with agencies or third party recruitment solutions for the roles we hire for. If at any point we need help, we'll let you know!
我们以DRY为向导,跟随KISS。如果有新技术能让我们的生活更容易,我们会尝试一下。我们严重依赖开源代码(作为构建可维护系统的唯一可行方法)和 contribute back. We occasionally blog on tech.ahrefs.com.