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Ahrefs is looking for an experienced Data Scientist to join our Data Science team, to be based in our Singapore office.  In this role, you will research, prototype, deploy to production and maintain information retrieval and search systems.

What You'll Do

  • Research, prototype, build and maintain systems for information retrieval, search, document classification, and Q&A
  • Create comprehensive product requirements together with Product Development, Design and Marketing teams
  • Work closely with the Engineering teams (frontend and backend) to implement, deploy, and maintain production systems
  • Write thorough documentation
  • Effectively communicate highly technical results to various teams

Basic Requirements

  • Preferably at least a Master’s degree in any quantitative discipline: Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Statistics, etc.
  • Experience with search, information retrieval, and natural language processing is a must
  • Experience with streaming algorithms and applications
  • Experience in Python, SQL (clickhouse dialect is a plus), Git, CI/CD
  • Experience with (at least one) deep learning framework: TensorFlow, Pytorch, Theano
  • Experience with big data platforms such as Spark and Hadoop
  • Experience with lucene-based search engines: Solr and/or Elasticsearch
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Familiarity with functional languages such as OCaml or Haskell is a big plus

What You'll Get

  • Competitive compensation package
  • Informal and thriving work atmosphere
  • First-class workplace equipment (hardware & tools)
  • Perks and fringe benefits

Location for this role:

  • Singapore (only Singaporeans)

Ahrefs does not engage with agencies or third party recruitment solutions for the roles we hire for. If at any point we need help, we'll let you know! 

Kim jesteśmy

Nasz zespół ds. analityki danych staje przed wielkim, ekscytującym wyzwaniem: tworzeniem modeli uczenia maszynowego w celu poprawy Fairsearch. Co użytkownik chce zobaczyć, gdy przeprowadza wyszukiwanie i co sprawia, że dana treść jest lepsza lub bardziej adekwatna od innej – to kluczowe pytania, które informują o tym, jak zmieniamy ranking stron internetowych. Brzmi interesująco? Chcielibyśmy poznać Twoją opinię.

Nasze motto to najpierw zrób to, potem zrób to dobrze a następnie zrób to lepiej

Greg pracuje na laptopie.

Podanie o pracę

Data Scientist [Search]

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