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Are you passionate about deep learning and NLP? We’re building Yep, a search engine and LLM from the ground up. Think: experiments at the trillion token scale; training runs where we count VRAM in 10TB increments; playing around with new data processing techniques across 100K cores. If you’re not already excited, then close this tab!

We will be giving preference to senior (closer to graduation) year, Singapore-based students. We are ready to accommodate for terms as short as 3-4 months and adjust working dates/ hours to your academic schedule.

What you need

  • Knowledge or hands-on experience with Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing
  • Good knowledge of Python and SQL
  • Knowledge or hands-on experience with large datasets and distributed computing
  • Knowledge or hands-on experience with (at least one) deep learning framework: TensorFlow, Pytorch, Theano
  • Strong verbal and writing communication skills

What to expect

Get a taste of how we work as a small yet dynamic team and unlock unparalleled access to an extensive array of computing power, an opportunity you won't find anywhere else.

You’ll have opportunities to work on cutting-edge projects at the intersection of AI, NLP, and CV.

You’ll get the chance to shape the future of our product and make a real impact.

We don't have explicit training sessions but you can expect all the needed help and advice from the team. You will also be assigned a one-on-one mentor to review your work and learn from.

Ahrefs does not engage with agencies or third party recruitment solutions for the roles we hire for. If at any point we need help, we'll let you know! 

Kim jesteśmy

Nasz zespół ds. analityki danych staje przed wielkim, ekscytującym wyzwaniem: tworzeniem modeli uczenia maszynowego w celu poprawy Fairsearch. Co użytkownik chce zobaczyć, gdy przeprowadza wyszukiwanie i co sprawia, że dana treść jest lepsza lub bardziej adekwatna od innej – to kluczowe pytania, które informują o tym, jak zmieniamy ranking stron internetowych. Brzmi interesująco? Chcielibyśmy poznać Twoją opinię.

Nasze motto to najpierw zrób to, potem zrób to dobrze a następnie zrób to lepiej

Greg pracuje na laptopie.

Podanie o pracę

Data Science Intern

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