Ahrefs is looking to hire students for internship in the backend team at our main office in Singapore (we might consider remote internship for the right candidate). We will be giving preference to senior (closer to graduation) years. We are ready to accommodate for terms as short as 2-3 months and adjust working dates/ hours to your academic schedule.
You can get a sense of what we are doing at https://ahrefs.com/jobs and in particular https://ahrefs.com/jobs/ocaml-developer Our day to day language is OCaml, with bits of D and C++ here and there. You can see some of our projects opensourced at https://github.com/ahrefs and some contributions in core OCaml compiler as well as surrounding infrastructure. We are a member of OCaml Software Foundation and proud sponsor of many functional programming conferences.
Work on real-world projects ranging from crawling entire Internet to processing petabytes of data extracted from those crawls and serving user requests consuming these data. We don't have explicit training sessions but you can expect all the needed help and advice from the team. You will be assigned one-on-one mentor to review your code and give feedback. You will be expected to write code in OCaml (ReasonML, Rust, C++ are up for discussion).
Ahrefs does not engage with agencies or third party recruitment solutions for the roles we hire for. If at any point we need help, we'll let you know!
Nous sommes une petite équipe qui croit fermement qu’une meilleure technologie conduit à de meilleures solutions aux problèmes du monde réel. Nous adorons les langages fonctionnels et le typage statique, utilisons abondamment la génération de code et la méta-programmation, valorisons la clarté et la prévisibilité du code, et cherchons constamment à automatiser les tâches répétitives et à éliminer le passe-partout.
Nous sommes guidés par DRY et suivons KISS. S’il existe une nouvelle technologie qui nous facilitera la vie, nous l’essaierons. Nous nous appuyons fortement sur le code open-source (comme le seul moyen viable de construire un système maintenable) et contribute back. We occasionally blog on tech.ahrefs.com.
Notre devise est faites-le d’abord, puis faites-le bien, puis faites-le mieux