Ahrefs is looking for a backend developer with deep understanding of distributed systems, OS fundamentals, reliability, networks, and a taste for simple and efficient architectural designs. Our backend is mostly implemented in OCaml with some D and C++, we use Puppet and OCaml for infrastructure as code, and we run on baremetal servers without any clouds (and we setup our datacenter halls ourselves).
Our SRE team is focused on making operations and infrastructure definition simpler, easier to understand and maintain, making it more reliable, more secure, more performant and more observable. We do this by building better internal developer and devops tools, analyzing system requirements and automating everything, in the end improving the infrastructure foundation for the development teams to build upon.
In this role, be prepared to deal with 400+ petabytes of storage, OCaml and Linux on a daily basis (and CPU bugs occasionally).
This role is ideal for a SRE with a backend engineering background or a backend engineer who has an interest in SRE.
Ahrefs does not engage with agencies or third party recruitment solutions for the roles we hire for. If at any point we need help, we'll let you know!
Somos un pequeño equipo que cree firmemente que una mejor tecnología conduce a mejores soluciones para los problemas del mundo real. Adoramos los lenguajes funcionales y la tipificación estática, empleamos ampliamente la generación de código y la metaprogramación, valoramos la claridad y la previsibilidad del código y buscamos constantemente la automatización de las tareas repetitivas y la eliminación de la repetición de tareas.
Nos guiamos por DRY y seguimos KISS. Si existe tecnología que nos hará la vida más fácil, le daremos una oportunidad. Confiamos mucho en el código abierto (como la única forma viable de crear un sistema que se pueda mantener) y contribute back. We occasionally blog on tech.ahrefs.com.
Nuestro lema es primero hazlo, luego hazlo bien, luego hazlo mejor