Take our free affiliate marketing course and learn how to start and grow your own revenue-generating affiliate site.
People seeking a sustainable source of side income
Marketers who want to diversify their revenue streams
Hobbyists who want to share their knowledge online while earning income
Take this course and learn how to earn a consistent income with affiliate marketing.
Learn how to build a consistent income with affiliate marketing without fluff and false promises of “passive income”.
16 lektioner
I 5 moduler
1h 49m
Total längd
Ingen registrering krävs, och helt utan kostnad
What affiliate marketing is and how it works.
Elements of a successful affiliate website.
How to choose a niche.
The best affiliate programs and networks (for any niche).
Blueprint for a successful affiliate marketing strategy.
Keyword research techniques for affiliate marketing.
Templates for writing affiliate content.
Link building strategies for affiliate sites.
What is Affiliate Marketing and How Does it Work?
What You Need to Get Started with Affiliate Marketing
How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing
Blueprint to Start Your Affiliate Marketing Website
Keys to Choosing the Right Affiliate Marketing Niche
How to Find the Perfect Niche for an Affiliate Marketing Site
Best Affiliate Marketing Programs for Any Niche
Designing a Winning Affiliate Marketing Strategy
Keyword Research for Affiliate Marketing Sites
Content Strategy for Affiliate Marketing Sites
Planning your Affiliate Site’s Homepage and Navigation
Affiliate Content Ratio: Balancing Informational vs. Commercial Content
Blog Post Templates to Write Money-Making Affiliate Content
How to Write Informational Content for an Affiliate Site
Easy Affiliate Link Building Strategy
Proven Affiliate Link Building Tactics For Beginners
Kurs av
Sam Oh is VP of Marketing at Ahrefs. He incorporates his commitment to education and love for entrepreneurship into actionable and easy-to-digest tutorials. With over a decade of practical experience in SEO and digital marketing, there’s nothing that excites him more than perfectly optimized and scalable processes.
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Ahrefs certifieringskurs lär dig hur du använder Ahrefs verktyg, data och SEO-mätvärden för att förbättra SEO för din webbplats.
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Det spelar ingen roll om du kan något om SEO. I slutet av denna kostnadsfria SEO-utbildning kommer du att förstå hur du tillämpar grunderna i SEO, som keyword research, on-page SEO och bygga länkar för att ranka högre i sökmotorer.
Lär dig hur du växer din blogg förbi 100 000 besökare per månad och gör tusentals av dina läsare till betalande kunder.
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